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Top 10 Reasons Authors Should Have A Blog

As an author, you have a unique opportunity to share your passions and interests with the world. One of the many ways writers can achieve this is to write a blog. But what is a blog and do you really need one? Read on for 10 outstanding reasons you might want to pick up this worthwhile habit!


A blog is an online journal or commentary about a particular topic that is updated regularly with new content. Blogs serve as a web based conduit between writers and readers and have been a popular tool for publicizing one’s thoughts, opinions, and knowledge since becoming trendy in the 1980's.

The word "blog" is an abbreviation for "weblog" and is considered to be an outdated term by many, though no one to date has invented a more favorable one. The average blog post is 900-1500 words and contains the originator's notions, views, reflections, and expertise on a given subject.

You may be wondering why an author who sells books for money would want to write quality content for free. Does it make sense to devote your time to work without compensation? The answer depends on how you define compensation.

While you may not be paid to write your own blog posts (though some are), I prefer a "whole is greater than the sum" perspective. While the value of maintaining a blog is subjective, there are several undeniable advantages for an author who publishes quality content via an online platform. The below ten reasons may change your mind if you aren't actively posting to a blog.


Owning a professional-looking blog with many readers is a strong indicator that you're serious about your work as a writer. Having lots of active readers is a highly conspicuous gauge of popularity and future sales for any publisher looking to snag a talented author. A blog with heavy traffic demonstrates a strong likelihood that there are fans who might purchase your books — something publishers love to see.


Blogs are a great way to establish yourself in a vast community of writers and grow your audience. Writers can post samples of their work and entice readers to purchase their book(s).


Your blog is a good place to test new ideas and writing styles. Constructive criticism from potential and future readers will allow you to refine your technique and crystallize your own unique style. Your blog is perfect for connecting with the public and even finding early reviewers for your manuscripts.


With a personal blog, you can easily categorize information about your book or current project for easy navigation by members of the news media. A savvy author might dedicate a page of their blog or website to being a digital press kit. This can greatly simplify the process for busy writers or for those without an agent to represent them.


In the process of building your online audience, you will meet and engage with industry professionals and freelancers, as well as fellow writers. These connections will feasibly last throughout your writing career and can be an invaluable tool in your repertoire for future endeavors. It’s also possible that an agent or publisher will find you through your blog and pick you up!


Keeping a blog doesn’t mean you have to post every day, but it does mean you’ll be writing high-caliber content at a regular pace. This exercise could strengthen your creative abilities and bolster your literary competence. Practicing writing regularywill help to open your creative flow, accelerating your authentic process.


Those who subscribe to your blog constitute a ready-made marketing list for when you publish a book. An author might offer early access, discounts, or even a preorder period as a way to sell more copies or just to say “thank you!” Your subscriber list is easily the most versatile instrument in your metaphorical toolbox. A populated mailing list or follower count may be the difference between pass or pick-up to a publisher researching a potential author.


Anyone who intends to sell a product should understand the importance of brand management, including writers and authors. Your brand is like a personal flavor. Everyone has a favorite flavor, but nobody buys a flavorless candy. Branding yourself correctly is essential to becoming a successful wordsmith.


Your personal blog is an ideal place to show off your skill to the world. Every article you write is a scrupulously framed painting of your distinctive signet. Every post is an opportunity to make an impression with your art.


An author who monetizes their blog can potentially earn a profit by displaying ads alongside their articles. It may not be enough to live on, but every little bit helps. Admittedly, unless you have thousands of readers, you’re unlikely to make a significant amount of money. Writers who wish to profit from writing blogs may be better served by creating multiple blogs on different subjects and posting consistently to build site traffic.


The technical answer to this question according to the data I’ve found is that you should post to your blog at least twice per week. That being said, quality is royalty. Both your readers and Google’s ranking system will reward you for taking the time to generate a premium article.

My personal philosophy is that you should create as many first-rate entries to your blog as you can reasonably manage. For me, this happens to be once per week. A poorly crafted blog post will negatively impact the overall health of your blog.


Now, I’m a book publisher. I know a thing or two about that, but blogging is a little bit different. I had to do some research to learn how to make blogging work for me, and I’m happy to share what I learned with you today.

That having been said, I’m not an expert on digital marketing or Search Engine Optimization, and I encourage you to do your own research to find out what strategies will work best for your situation. Based on what I’ve read thus far, however, here is a short checklist for gaining traction with your blog.


  • Promote your blog within your niche on social media.

  • Learn to use keywords appropriately, and be specific with them.

  • Coordinate guest posts with similar blogs to secure more readers and subscribers.

  • Write articles that are between 1,200 and 2,000 words . Longer articles are ranked higher by Google’s algorithms. However, be aware that online readers also like information in short spurts and might not read a long post.

  • Learn to write effective headlines. Posts require titles that grab the attention of your readers. Study “power words” to learn more.


For the more technical aspects of driving traffic to your blog, I recommend Checking out the articles listed below. These articles are written by people much more knowledgeable on the subject of SEO, and they have the appropriate qualifications to steer you in the right direction regarding the mechanics of enhancing your online footprint. Please note that these articles are not sponsored, and I do not profit by linking to them here. These links are just to help get you where you want to be.

How To Increase Blog Traffic: 5 Easy Steps to Stardom

20 Ways To Get Traffic and Promote Your Blog

17 Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Blog In 2022

Blog Search Engine Optimization


Blogging is an easy way to connect with your readers and share your expertise with the world. Yet, it can also be very time consuming. For authors who have a full-time job and don’t have time for blogging, it might seem like a daunting task—but it’s worth the investment. Even if you don’t have the time to spend on a blog, taking a few minutes every day to write can help you stay focused, organized, and motivated.

For me, the answer is easy. Every author should keep and maintain a blog as a way to further their career and make sure their voice is heard. If you can write it, someone wants to read it. Speaking of that, if you’re an author or writer who is looking for more exposure, reach out to us about doing a guest post at We’d be happy to post your educational or opinion piece right here on The HIP Weekly. Thank you for spending your time with us today, and we hope you learned something useful by reading this article. If you found it helpful, feel free to share it with a friend or colleague. As always, have a positive and productive week!



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Written by:

Joshua Adams

Senior Editor

Huntsville Independent Press




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